We work with developers and agencies to create value on sites, maximising land opportunities at all development scales

Andy Costa has been a trusted advisor and architect to several developers, operators and clients over the span of his career including:

British Land + LandSecurities + Regal London + Berkeley Group + Cathedral (U+I) + Taylor Wimpey + Qatari Diar + Carebase + Crest Nicholson + St George + Castlemore Developments + Bridehall + Bellway + MUSE + Waterside Places + HDG + Store Properties + Ballymore + ZOG + Kirsch Group + Portman Estates + Howard DeWaldon Estates + Dorrington Estates + Cripplegate Foundation + Hermes Asset Management + Aviva Investors + AEW Europe + Transport for London + Belmont Property + Retirement Villages Group + Thrive Salutem + Red and Yellow Care + Alumno + Student Castle + Unite + Berkeley First

If you would like to discuss your site or project please email on


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